Friday, May 15, 2009

New way to use Google Documents

I just downloaded the App "Documents Free" for my iPod Touch. What a great tool. The iPod Touch, unlike the iPhone is not always connected to the internet. I can download a document onto my iPod. Once it is on there I can edit it all I want without accessing the network. When I am done, I can find a wi-fi spot and upload my edited document.

Creating documents on the iPod Touch is not always desirable, but using the spread sheet function I can do some basic inventory of equipment out in my building. Usually I have to write information down on a piece of paper and then come enter it on the computer. With this interface I can skip the paper.

Yesterday, I actually used it at work. I had to inventory some equipment that was in my building. Using this program I was able to go from room to room and type the information in. It was pretty slick. Next year when my building has wi-fi this won't be quite as necessary, but it is very helpful right now.


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