Friday, September 26, 2008

I was reading the blue skunk blog by Doug Johnson (

He discusses a book called "Joy in School" by Steven Wolk The book starts with this quote.

"What avail is it to win prescribed amounts of information about geography and history, to win the ability to read and write, if in the process the individual lose his own soul? - John Dewey, Experience and Education, 1938"

He then proceeds to discuss things we can do to make school more meaningful and enjoyable for students and staff.

As a media specialist, I can encourage teachers to create meaningful projects and help connect students to resources.

The most recent resource I have been showing people, is google documents. Many teachers and students see the value of this site and are starting to use it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

First weeks of school

The first 3 or 4 weeks of school are always incredibly busy. At the end of the school year,
all of our technology is taken apart and then we spend weeks putting everything back together.
Plus of course teaching orientation, supervising the library and open houses.

Every year I think that I am going to find an easier way to get everything done. No matter what I try, every year it is still a huge struggle to get everything put back together. With all the new projectors and document cameras it is harder than ever. So many cords...even the technically literate teachers struggle with how to put everything back together.

Anyone ever come up with an easy system for making the beginning of the year go smoothly.