Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I was reading the Blue Skunk Blog and Doug Johnson wrote:

"Ever feel like the same educational trends re-appear ever so many years with different authors and terminology. There is a name for this phenomena*: CRAP which stands for:

This struck me with so much validity that I had to write about it. I've only been in education for about 15 years and I am often overwhelmed how many times I have been taught and retaught the same things in staff development. Same ideas, different labels. I can't imagine how I will feel in another 20 years.

It sometimes leave me feeling like a hamster running on its wheel.


doug0077 said...

Hi Deb,

Now how do we break the cycle - or at least make this trend into something positive?


Exploradora said...

Great post--there really is "nothing new under the sun". Änyone who pretends differently is deluded. People cling to their delusions, but we all have a choice as inteligent beings whether to give them a happy home. It's all about picking the battles and finding balance. Letting go is easier the more we practice it.