Monday, April 27, 2009

Myths and Legends

I spent some time on the myths and legends story maker page tonight.
I love it.  I can think of lots of educational uses for it.  Foreign language classes could write simple stories using their 2nd language skills.

It could be good for summarizing, because you can only use so many words per picture.

I think students would really enjoy making a project on here.

 Personally, I think it would be fun with my younger nieces and nephews.  They love to have stories read to them.  I'm wondering if they would like to listen to the stories on this site.

I didn't get very far in the story I was making.  It definitely helps to have a somewhat thought out story before you start creating.

1 comment:

Karen said...

This is a tool I put out there without really trying it much, so I'm glad you liked it. Please let me know if/how you use it with students ...