Monday, December 15, 2008

Thing 3

  • What is easy for you about teaching research?

I don't teach daily classes. However, I love doing research. Looking for the answer to a question is a little bit like being a detective solving a mystery. I love the challenge.

  • What are the challenges? What is frustrating for me is lack of time. Some information cannot be found in a five minute search. Good searches may take quite a bit of time, which doesn't always exist in a busy library.

  • How might the RPC Teacher Guide help you plan and manage research projects?
  • When I observe teachers working with their students on research projects, I see that most experienced teachers break their projects down into manageable sections. However, I have seen less experienced teachers give their students a research assignment and not break it down. Some students are able to break a project down into tasks and complete the project while others flounder. I think the RPC is a great tool to show students and new teachers for how to break their research into manageable components.

1 comment:

Sara Etzel said...

A a "new" teacher I am sure that I am guilty of scenario #2...that's why I really need to be a part of the MILI grant. Every month I am exposed to new ideas and reading everyone's comments helps me reflect on my own practice.
Sara @ Washburn